Design a thank you note

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Design a thank you note

Would you like to thank someone for their kind words and gifts on a special occasion? Whether it's a birthday, wedding, birth, christening or bereavement - we'll show you how to design and customise your thank-you note. Discover our wide range of motifs, designs and colours at Infowerk!

Design a thank you note - just say thank you

There are countless reasons to say thank you. Regardless of whether it is an occasion such as a birthday, a wedding, the birth of a child, the start of a new school year or a youth dedication - a thank you that comes from the heart is the most beautiful gift. Thank you cards come in all kinds, both digital and paper. So you can choose the card or design that best suits your taste. However, it becomes really personal when the thank-you note is designed by the recipient. In this way, everyone can incorporate their own individual character, which the recipients will always recognise. Due to the abundance of possibilities, however, it sometimes happens that you don't know exactly which design you should choose in the end. In our blog post, we give you some ideas on how to design your thank you note for the occasion!

Saying thank you on your birthday

You celebrated a milestone birthday with lots of guests who made your day extra special? Did some people lend you a hand and actively support you in the preparations? Perhaps you also received generous gifts or were simply happy to spend this day with your loved ones? If so, you will be able to give them or your other guests a great deal of pleasure with a thank you note. What's especially nice is to include a photo of the evening on the birthday thank you card. It can either be a group photo of all the guests or a snapshot of the two of you. This way, the recipient also gets a great souvenir photo of your birthday.

Birth thank you cards

The birth of a child affects the lives of parents-to-be, family, friends and sometimes colleagues. As soon as the child is born and the mother is healthy, the joy is naturally great. Congratulations and gifts for the baby shower and birth come from countless friends and acquaintances. Personalised thank you cards for the birth are the ideal way to say thank you for all the attention and presents. The name of the newborn and the date of birth should definitely be included. It is also advisable to leave a small inscription with a "thank you" or similar on the front. Many people are happy to have a picture of the child on the card, so they can attach it to the fridge with a magnet or place it somewhere visible at home. If you want to go the classic route, you can choose birth thank you cards in blue for boys and pink for girls. Alternatively, all other colours and font shapes are also possible. Whether green, a modern grey or beige - all preferences will find a place here. In addition, you can either write on the front of the card only, or you can add a personal text here if you wish. You also have the choice of writing on the front and back or choosing fold-out thank you cards.

Saying thank you at a christening

Baptism marks the acceptance of a person into the church community. It is therefore a special event which is often celebrated together with family and friends. The baptised child or the person who has decided to enter the church also receives some loving baptismal gifts. If the day of the baptism was celebrated in a larger community or if you received letters and gifts for the occasion, take the opportunity to thank them. Don't forget to leave the name of the person baptised and the date of the baptism on the card. Special symbols such as a dove with a branch, a cross or a fish are also suitable. If you wish, you can also add a picture of the baptism. Alternative colours and designs in green and different plants are also possible and welcome.

Acknowledgement for Communion, Confirmation or Youth Consecration

Communion or confirmation are religious initiation rites, whereby communion is celebrated by Catholic believers and confirmation by Protestant/evangelical believers. The main purpose is to welcome children and young people into the Christian community as Christians. They must have received a sacrament or baptism beforehand and have attended religious instruction which prepares and educates them for the celebration. However, there is a big difference between the two celebrations: for Catholics, communion is the second Christian sacrament after baptism, while for Protestants it is the celebration of initiation into the Christian adult world. Likewise, young Catholics celebrate communion at the age of 9, while confirmation does not take place until the age of 14. Basically, however, both celebrations have great value and are usually celebrated with many guests. After attending church, the celebration continues at home. The host receives many wishes and gifts, and friends and relatives sometimes travel from far away - a unique event to say thank you. Pictures can be used on the thank-you cards, and Christian symbols such as a cross or a fish are also nice motifs on the thank-you card.

The youth dedication is the atheistic equivalent of communion or confirmation, where young people symbolically enter adulthood. There are many different organisers of youth dedications. After the public ceremony, the party goes home and spends the rest of the day there; alternatively, a visit to a restaurant or community activities are possible. However the ceremony is spent, it is an important milestone in the life of a young person and it is important to thank the guests and their gifts. For all celebrations, the name, occasion and date of the celebration are welcome on the thank you card.

You said yes - wedding thank you cards

Not only birthdays, christenings, consecrations, communions or confirmations are unique experiences that are celebrated in a big way, but weddings are also one of the most important days in life. The preparations and the wedding celebration itself require a lot of time, planning and organisation. The beauty of it? You spend the day together exactly as you have wished and with the people you love most. A wedding thank-you card is appropriate for the support during the preparations and, of course, for the various presents. This is not only a way to give something back to the helping hands, but also to keep the day in your memory. Therefore, take the opportunity to leave one of the most beautiful pictures of the bride and groom on the card. Is there also one of the wedding cake, bouquet or location? Then you can make a collage out of it! To include the guests and put a smile on their faces when looking at the thank you card, fun group photos are ideal.

Mourning thank you cards

In difficult times, the sympathy and understanding of friends, relatives or work colleagues are a balm for the soul. Many support with words, a sympathetic ear or even actively organise funeral services. If you would like to thank those who accompanied you during the painful time after the bereavement, you can do so with a personal and appreciative thank-you card. Design it exactly the way you feel. Whether it's a picture of your loved one or a wise saying that gives you hope - let your feelings run free and choose exactly the motifs that seem right to you.

Design thank you cards at Infowerk

No matter for which occasion you would like to say thank you - at Infowerk you will find a huge selection of corresponding thank you cards. You can choose between countless motifs, designs and colours, but we also offer you the option of designing your thank you card completely yourself. This way you can add your own personal touch and make others happy. In addition to print media, it is also possible to design and send digital thank you cards. Simply use our design tool and realise your own ideas!

Design a thank you note