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Give your friends, family or yourself a customised jigsaw puzzle - it's suitable for many occasions. A guest gift for a wedding, or a heart puzzle for Valentine's Day. Use your own photos and design online for free!

Puzzle with 70 pieces
Use free templates

With just a few clicks, you can customise our design templates. Here you will find a variety of templates for every industry!

Create your own design

Are you creative by passion and don't need templates? You've come to the right place!

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Have you already created a great design? Just upload it and you're done!

Puzzles-Templates for Occasions

Customise and print your own jigsaw puzzles

Jigsaw puzzles are fun, especially with a beautiful motif. Design your own personal jigsaw puzzle online with just a few clicks and your photos. This way you can create wonderful gift ideas for birthdays or Christmas. Let your creativity run free.

Another idea: If your children have already played through all the puzzles at home and it's getting boring, why not make your own puzzle? Choose beautiful motifs from your holidays or create a puzzle together with your children. Or give other children a self-designed puzzle for their birthday.

Design your jigsaw puzzle online with us in no time at all and benefit from a high-quality print product at an affordable price.

Different shapes and sizes

If you want to design a jigsaw puzzle yourself, we have three variants for you to choose from. The 200 x 250 millimetre heart-shaped puzzle with 63 pieces is ideal for romantic photo gifts. If you want to give the recipient even more puzzle fun with your customised puzzle, it's best to choose the 285 x 405 millimetre size. Then 120 pieces are waiting to be put together correctly. A little smaller, but just as easy to personalise, is our 190 x 280 millimetre puzzle. It consists of 70 pieces.Your creative layouts and designs are printed on 1,300 g/m² puzzle board. This ensures that your puzzle will last for many rounds and that everyone who plays with it will enjoy it for a long time.

We print your self-designed puzzle

With our FreeDesign tool you have all the possibilities to design your puzzle individually. If you want to print just one puzzle as a gift idea, that's no problem with us. We print from just one puzzle. If your creation is to be distributed as a guest gift at your wedding, for example, the number of items can easily be increased up to 250. You simply choose how many of your puzzles you need. We will then take care of the excellent printing.